Monday, May 7, 2012

Google has generously awarded ' good ' hacker from Russia

Internet giant. Google. paid about 13.6 thousands of dollars to Russian IT- specialist for discovered vulnerabilities in Google Chrome. Also Sergei Glazunov received a significant amount of a hacker under the alias miaubiz - about 10.3 thousand dollars. In total, Google paid professionals more than 26.5 thousand dollars for vulnerabilities that are fixed in new version.

As the newspaper writes Computerworld, Glazunov and miaubiz regularly find vulnerabilities in Google Chrome. They have had about 57 percent of vulnerabilities found in the current year. Google has spent in 2011 more than 170 thousand dollars to pay for the discovered vulnerabilities, notes '. business Petersburg. '.

The same practice found encouragement for ' holes ' in the system has a number of other major IT-companies. Thus, representatives of Mozilla promises to pay for the found vulnerability from 500 to three thousand dollars.

More recently, the popular social network Facebook announced a generous reward for finding the ' holes ' in the security service. Thus, the ' good ' hackers will be paid $ 500 and above, according to the portal ' Information Security '. However, the rewards will be only those who do not reveal the vulnerability of the public prior to its removal.

And on Tuesday the company ' Yandex ' suggested users to search for vulnerabilities in its services, which operate sensitive data. Company November 25 call participant, who found the most critical vulnerability. The winner will receive 5000 dollars.

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